I was inspired by Mobi during my freshman year to make apps
outside of class. My passion for helping people has led me to
fundraise for non-profits and work with startups. Hopefully, I
can inspire others to be creative and collaborate.
Vice President
I am a dedicated follower of the church of Long Long live MOBI,
and Long live Long!
"woah I know that guy he's so cool" – everyone
Sr. Developer + Marketing
Howdy Hey 👋🏻 , I'm Devrat. I'm a computer science major student. I joined Mobi in my freshman year (i'm still a freshman lol) through social coding! I casually play badminton 🏸. I'm a big Minions fan!! I encourage everyone to join Mobi and learn together.
Jr. Developer + Marketing
Hi! I'm Ayden, currently in my third year at UTA, studying computer science, and in my first year with MOBI. I'm most passionate about bridging the gap between technology and creative art. Some of my hobbies include creating music, cooking, and following Formula 1!
Jr. Developer
I'm a senior pursuing Computer Science at UT Arlington, deeply
engaged in software development and research projects at the IT
Lab. Specializing in AI, SaaS, data analysis, and software
development, I'm driven to explore innovative solutions and
collaborate on impactful projects that push the boundaries of
Jr. Developer
Ciao! I'm Ashley a freshman software engineering student at UTA. I'm passionate about learning more about cybersecurity and software engineering. As a newly elected officer of MOBI I hope to develop my skillsets and contribute to the club. Current languages I'm learning: C, Python, Italian and German.